Customer Testimonials

Check out what our satisfied clients are saying about our services...

Video Testimonials

The team was fabulous every step of the way. We just felt that it was a very personable job and that the people really cared about the job they were doing for us. Thanks Assiniboine!

Sharon & Steve
Landscape Construction Review

The firepit was an add-on that has made us use the backyard a lot more. We recommended Assiniboine to quite a few of our neighbors who have come over to see our yard. Dave was a really good communicator. Every time I had a question he answered me right away.

Shannon & Chris
Landscape Construction Review

I would say I was thrilled with the work. Not only were they on time and showed up regularly. When they were finished for the day, they cleaned up their work site and put everything away. Then the next morning they would come back and do it all again. I would recommend them highly. I’d give them five out of five if I had to. Easily!

Landscape Construction Review

Customer Reviews

Assiniboine Landscapes has been providing services in Calgary for over 15 years and we take great pride in making sure that our clients receive the best service. We offer landscape construction, property maintenance, snow removal and professional Christmas light installations.

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